Artificial Intelligence in Mental Health Services: A Summary of an Environmental Scan

This summary tool summarizes findings from an Environmental Scan that explored the types of artificial intelligence (AI) emerging or currently in use in mental health. The summary also includes information on AI research and development initiatives (across Canada and internationally), and policy considerations for AI as they relate to mental health.

See the full report: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Mental Health Services: An Environmental Scan

This summary is based on an Environmental Scan that was commissioned by The Mental Health Commission of Canada to address the role of AI in mental health services. This report is a companion to a Rapid Response review on clinical effectiveness and guidelines for AI in mental health [Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Mental Health Services: A Literature Review. Ottawa: Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology in Health (CADTH), Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC); 2021 June.]

To access other reports and resources on the topic of mental health, visit the Evidence on Mental Health bundle.