Reimbursement Review Reports

The latest Reimbursement Review reports are posted to this page. Our Reimbursement Reviews are comprehensive assessments of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, as well as patient and clinician perspectives, of a drug or drug class. The assessments inform non-binding recommendations that help guide the reimbursement decisions of Canada's federal, provincial, and territorial governments, with the exception of Quebec. Implementation advice and funding algorithms are provided where applicable.

Brand Name Sort descending Generic Name Therapeutic Area Recommendation Type Project Status Date Submission Received Date Recommendation Issued
Lancora Ivabradine Heart failure, NYHA class II or III Reimburse with clinical criteria and/or conditions Complete
Lantus Insulin glargine (rDNA origin) Diabetes mellitus, Type 1 & 2 N/A Complete
Lantus Insulin glargine (rDNA origin) Diabetes mellitus, Type 1 & 2 Do not list Complete
Lantus Insulin glargine (rDNA origin) Diabetes mellitus, Type 1 & 2 Do not list Complete
Lapelga Pegfilgrastim Febrile neutropenia N/A Complete
Lartruvo Olaratumab Advanced Soft Tissue Sarcoma Reimburse with clinical criteria and/or conditions Complete
Latuda Lurasidone Schizophrenia Do not list Complete
Latuda Lurasidone Schizophrenia List with criteria/condition Complete
Latuda lurasidone Bipolar I disorder Canada’s Drug Agency is unable to recommend reimbursement as a submission was not filed by the manufacturer Not filed
Ledaga chlormethine hydrochloride T-cell lymphoma Do not reimburse Complete