Transfer of Acutely Ill Pediatric Patients using Pediatric Transport Teams: Clinical Evidence and Guidelines – A 2020 Update


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Reference List
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Summary of Abstracts
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  1.  What is the clinical evidence regarding the transport of acutely ill pediatric patients to tertiary care centres by pediatric transport teams?
  2. What is the comparative clinical effectiveness regarding the transport of acutely ill pediatric patients to tertiary care centres by pediatric transport teams versus transport by an advanced care paramedic team?
  3. What are the evidence-based guidelines regarding the transport of acutely ill pediatric patients to tertiary care centres?

Key Message

​Two non-randomized studies were identified for the clinical evidence regarding the transport of acutely ill pediatric patients to tertiary care centres by pediatric transport teams. Three evidence-based guidelines were identified regarding the transport of acutely ill pediatric patients to tertiary care centres. No relevant literature was identified regarding the comparative clinical effectiveness for the transport of acutely ill pediatric patients to tertiary care centres by pediatric transport teams versus transport by an advanced care paramedic team.