Newborn Screening for Congenital Cytomegalovirus in Canada


Project Status:
Project Line:
Health Technology Review
Project Sub Line:
Policy Insight
Project Number:

Congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection is a leading cause of childhood hearing loss. This brief provides a summary about newborn screening for cCMV in Canada, including whether screening is available for cCMV in each province and territory, and if so, whether screening is universal or targeted, using publicly available information.

Currently in Canada, 4 provinces have (or are implementing) universal newborn screening for cCMV. Three provinces have province-wide targeted screening programs. cCMV infections can be detected using blood, urine, or saliva tests. Most universal newborn screening programs use dried blood spot tests, which are likely to produce false-negative results. Current clinical guidance and practice remain mixed on whether targeted or universal newborn screening is recommended, with each having a different distribution of benefits and harms.