About Us

Statement of Reconciliation

Canada’s Drug Agency acknowledges the critical need for Indigenous perspectives in the Canadian health care system. In both historical and ongoing ways, Indigenous Peoples and communities in Canada have been excluded from and/or harmed by medical research and have faced systemic racism and prejudice within the health care system. As a health system leader, we affirm our commitment to:

  • define  the role of Canada’s Drug Agency as an advocate, amplifier, and ally to Indigenous Peoples and communities in Canada and in the health care system
  • create opportunities for all staff to learn more about Indigenous Peoples in Canada and their history, while providing opportunities for staff to think critically and reflectively about their role in reconciliation in Canada
  • collaboratively define the effect our organization will have in addressing the challenges and realities that face Indigenous Peoples within the health care system
  • explore how Indigenous Knowledge Systems can inform how we  operate and strategize, which could include, but is not limited to, incorporating Indigenous research methodologies within operations of the organization
  • create space and commit resources within our organization to ensure Indigenous voices are heard and have an influence on the operations and strategies of the organization.  

To keep us accountable to these commitments and being in a good relationship with the Indigenous Peoples and communities within Canada, we will create an Indigenous Relations and Engagement Strategy and Communications Strategy that will outline the following, but not limited to:

  • measurable outcomes for each of the commitments in this statement
  • detailed strategies and actions for relationship building and collaboration, internal learning and development, and incorporating Indigenous Knowledge Systems
  • resource commitments for meeting these strategies.  

Canada’s Drug Agency will be accountable for reviewing this Statement of Reconciliation, along with the Indigenous Relations and Engagement Strategy and Communications Strategy, annually to ensure reconciliation remains a priority for the organization and aligns with our  other strategies.