Stakeholder Feedback Submission - Proposed Protocol RE0050

Proposed Protocol

Please follow these instructions:

  • If you expect multiple submissions from your organization, please consolidate them into a single response. CADTH can only consider one response per organization.
  • Feedback should be presented clearly and succinctly in point form, whenever possible. Issue(s) and associated requested revision(s) should be clearly stated, and specific reference should be made to the section of the document to which they apply (i.e., line number, section title, or page number).
  • Comments should be restricted to the content of the draft document and should not contain any language that could be considered disrespectful or inflammatory. 
  • CADTH may use your submitted feedback in documents that will become available to the public. The confidentiality of any submitted information cannot be protected. CADTH does not provide direct responses to feedback received.
  • Feedback should not exceed 3 pages in length, using a minimum 11-point font on 8.5″ by 11″ paper. If comments exceed 3 pages, only the first 3 will be accepted for review by CADTH. References may be provided separately. 
  • Attach your feedback document in the Attached File upload area and/or type or paste your feedback into the rich text format window.
  • Please zip up your files if you are uploading more than one file.
Choisir un fichier
  • 1 seul fichier.
  • Limité à 8 Mo.
  • Types autorisés : pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, zip.

If you have any questions about the feedback process, please contact [email protected].

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